Tag: Success

Pierce College / Pierce College - 12 years ago

SSI, 29 June 2012

Agenda LACCD Math Faculty Inquiry Team (FIT) First Meeting July 2, 12:00 – 4:00 pm, LACCD Tom Carey and Susanne Medley facilitating meeting Innovation Center – Van De Camp Looking at possibility for using the VDC Center for a variety...

Pierce College / Pierce College - 12 years ago

SSI Meeting, 25 May 2012

Agenda Presentation on Community College Student Engagement/Harnessing Power of Social Media—Ingrid Sotelo & Rowie Wolfe Student Engagement on Prezi AtD Policies and Procedures Roundtable for Action: First year Experience: Student S...

Pierce College / Pierce College - 13 years ago

Summit 2011: Presentations

Taking Student Success to the Next Level: Best Practices from the LACCD & Beyond… Keynote Presentation, Bill Heineman & Rick Lizotte, Northern Essex Community College, an Achieving the Dream Leader College Necc atd lacc_presentatio...