2nd Annual LACCD Achieving the Dream Retreat

Pierce College

Pierce College / Pierce College 263 Views comments

2nd Annual LACCD Achieving the Dream Retreat[dropcap type=”rounded-with-ring” color=”green”]P[/dropcap]lease join us for the 2nd Annual LACCD Achieving the Dream Retreat. We are encouraging you to bring a team of 7-10 faculty, staff, and administrators from your college. Please include Core and Data Team Members, Counselors, SLO Coordinators, Institutional Researchers, and other people from across the campus who are key to your AtD Implementation/Integration efforts.

We are pleased to let you know that we will be joined by Ken O’Donnell,  Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Policy for the Office of the Chancellor of the California State University—the world’s largest public system of four-year universities. Ken is responsible for statewide curriculum development and articulation throughout the CSU system, with an emphasis on student success and the broadly transferable skills of liberal education: oral and written communication, problem-solving, collaboration, multicultural competence, and critical thinking. He also serves as the liaison for the California State University’s partnership with LEAP, and for the CSU’s participation in the Give Students a Compass initiative. Ken is an incredibly talented thinker and speaker, and will be giving the keynote address, kicking off the Retreat. He is very interested in the work that you are doing with AtD at your colleges and will be staying with us for the morning to observe and make connections with you.

We will also be joined the entire day by John Nixon and Terri Manning, our AtD Liaisons.  They will be leading a session focused on implementing your AtD initiatives, with an emphasis on conducting dialogue around areas of particular need for each campus and leveraging resources, such as those supporting data collection, to support high impact practices at scale across the colleges and to address student success goals in our new district strategic plan.  There will also be sessions focused on  student persistence in the first year (including 3CSN’s newest Community of Practice, Habits of Mind) and on classroom level effective practices (presented to you by the current participants in the Faculty Teaching and Learning Academy).


8:30 am

