What do we need to do to create a healthy, just and prosperous LA?


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What can we do to help ensure a more prosperous, just and healthy Los Angeles given the challenges and the opportunities at hand? Please join us at our annual conversation to address this question by talking with panelists about what we can do to improve transit and mobility, build more affordable housing, and address the need to slow climate change and clean the air. 

We'll begin by honoring the Labor leaders who make us feel as if the "Force is With Us," as Denny Zane likes to say, because of the important work we've done together over the last 15 years. First we'll be talking with LA/OC Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary Chris Hannan, California Democratic Party Chair Rusty Hicks, LA County Federation of Labor (AFL-CIO) President Yvonne Wheeler, and Andrew Meredith, President of the State Building and Construction Trades Council of California.

After lunch we'll talk about how we can help lift up the City and County of Los Angeles, beginning with a discussion about our transit system with LA Metro Board Chair Ara Najarian, climate/transit advocate Ed Begley, Jr., Metro Board First Vice Chair Jackie Dupont Walker, and City of LA Deputy Mayor Randall Winston.

California Appropriations Chair Asm. Chris Holden will discuss his fare-free transit bill, AB 610, along with UAW 2865 President Rafael Jaime. And UCLA Lewis Center Deputy Director Madeline Brozen, who authored our Bus Shelter Report, will talk about the need for shelter as the weather gets hotter, and only 26% of bus stops have shade. Asm. Isaac Bryan will also discuss his AB 364 to provide amenities for pedestrians, including bus shelters, trash receptacles, benches and public toilets.

We'll also talk about the passage of Measure ULA and the need for affordable housing with Occidental College Professor Peter Dreier, UNITE HERE Local 11 Co-President Kurt Petersen and LA/OC Building and Construction Trades Council Communications Director Anne Marie Otey. SCANPH Executive Director Alan Greenlee will discuss the implementation of Measure ULA along with City of LA Deputy Mayor Jenna Hornstock. SAJE Deputy Director Joe Donlin and KIWA Executive Director Alexandra Suh will discuss how we need to be prepared to fight against the CA Business Roundtable's measure that hopes to repeal ULA, and we will talk about the LA County affordable housing effort—LACAHSA—with United Way Everyone In Director Tommy Newman.

Move LA Founder Denny Zane and LA County Supervisor Holly Mitchell will discuss how we can locally address our climate and clean air challenges, and Ed Begley Jr. will discuss the lessons learned from the failure of Proposition 30 on last year's statewide ballot, which would have raised taxes on the wealthy to fund wildfire management and zero-emission vehicle incentives and infrastructure.

Our event will end with a discussion about proposals for development of a green hydrogen hub in Southern California with ARCHES leadership, California's public-private hydrogen hub consortium to accelerate the development and deployment of clean, renewable hydrogen projects and infrastructure. Panelists will include Renewables 100 President Angelina Galiteva, Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice (CCAEJ) Executive Director Ana Gonzalez, Sierra Club Associate Director of the Beyond Dirty Fuels Campaign Monica Embrey, IBEW Local 11 Political Director Antonio Sanchez, and United Steelworkers Second Vice President of Local 675 Norman Rogers.

