TOD 201- Mixed-Income Housing Near Transit: Increasing Affordability With Location Efficiency


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The latest booklet in the Center for Transit-Oriented Development's series of "100" and "200" manuals has been added to the website. These booklets explain the theory and best practices of transit-oriented development. The TOD 201 booklet "Mixed-Income Housing Near Transit: Increasing Affordability With Location Efficiency" discusses how providing for a mix of incomes in walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods near transit improves the already considerable benefits of having mixed-income neighborhoods by significantly reducing transportation costs. Creating mixed-income TOD deepens the affordability of housing because families can get by with one less car or no cars -- resulting in the savings of thousands of dollars per household annually. The book includes 11 strategies for encouraging mixed-income TOD housing, with studies an photos illustrating successful examples.

Mixed-Income Housing Near Transit: Increasing Affordability With Location Efficiency
