Solar Eclipse Viewing August 21, 2017

Pierce College

Pierce College / Pierce College 370 Views comments

Save the date for this, you don’t want to miss it!

On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will cross the continental United States from Salem, Oregon to Charleston, South Carolina. This is the first time a total solar eclipse will cross coast-to-coast since 1918!
We are just outside the path of the TOTAL eclipse. From Lakewood 94% of the sun will be blocked by the moon! Join us in viewing this spectacular event!

-We will provide SAFE ways to view the eclipse*
-Live stream of the TOTAL eclipse rain or shine
-Presentations in the Science Dome describing what happens during a solar eclipse

*DO NOT look directly at the sun on your own without proper equipment

Pre-eclipse planetarium presentation in the Science Dome at 8:30 am

Eclipse begins at 9:08 AM
Eclipse is maximum at 10:20 AM
Eclipse ends at 11:38 AM

Post-eclipse planetarium presentation in the Science Dome at 11:45 am

Additional planetarium presentations added at 9:15 am and 11 am! All are first-come, first-served.

The event is totally FREE and totally AWESOME.

If you have a chance to drive down to Oregon and see the eclipse on the path of totality DO IT.  It will be absolutely amazing.  If not, join us and it will still be pretty cool.
