Peter Dreier points out on CityWatch that Jack Humphreville is wrong about Measure ULA!


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Jack Humphreville, a conservative commentator well-known for opposing even progressive taxes, calls Measure ULA a “free lunch.” But as Peter Dreier points out in the City Watch column below, it's a fair, effective way to get LA’s wealthiest people—who prospered from the real estate boom—to help address LA's most pressing problem: the 40,000 people who live on the street. Measure ULA would tax the sale of super-expensive properties to provide funding to help seniors and other vulnerable renters avoid eviction and to build sufficient affordable housing for those living on our streets and in our shelters.
Paid for by Move LA, a Project of Community Partners, 1000 N. Alameda St., Suite 240, Los Angeles, CA. 90012.
