Not a cynical corporate scheme: the real story about Prop 30


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This post was written by Stuart Cohen, a long-time friend and colleague in the Bay Area who founded TransForm 25 years ago and was Executive Director until 2019. Over the past year as a Senior Policy Advisor for Transform he also worked with many other groups to advance more equitable transportation and housing solutions—including Prop 30. Below is what he wrote about how this measure came to be, and why we Californians should support it.

The Origin Story of Proposition 30

The election is upon us and, unfortunately, there are wildly misleading ads opposing Prop 30 that feature Gov. Newsom saying “Prop 30 is a cynical scheme devised by a single corporation (Lyft).” This is a blatant lie. So I wanted to get you TRUE information about Prop 30 and its origins, including my role in co-creating it. But first, the basics:
