Latest News on Achieving the Dream in the LACCD

Pierce College

Pierce College / Pierce College 323 Views comments

Achieving the Dream Teams Are Off & Running

Read the  ATD Update to the Board of Trustees

All colleges are in the process of developing a four-year plan, with broad engagement from the campus and external communities and commitment from top leadership, for 1) improving student outcomes based on evidence about barriers to success and effective practices and policies; 2) institutionalizing a process for continuously improving student outcomes based on evidence.  If you would like to know more about each campus’s Core and Data Teams and each college’s overall focus for their Achieving the Dream efforts, click here.

Spotlight on Los Angeles Trade Tech

LATTC has published a marvelous newsletter to keep their campus community up to date regarding AtD plans and progress:


Don’t Forget to Register Now for D.R.E.A.M. : Achieving the Dream’s 2012 Annual Meeting on Student Success (formerly the Strategy Institute), February 28 – March 2, 2012

Policies and Procedures

Save the Date:  Monday, November 28th, 12:30-2:30 pm, Policies & Procedures Toolkit/Roundtable with John Nixon & Terri Manning–details on face-to-face meeting location/video conferencing set-up forthcoming! In preparation for this roundtable, participants will:

  • Bring information gathered from data and core team discussions about policies and procedures from the perspective of their campuses (teams and other key college players will have used the Checklist below). 
  • Identify those policies and procedures that they believe may inhibit/stunt progress and success, thus preparing for district-wide discussions.

Policy & Procedures Checklist Blank Form

Example from North Essex Community College, an Achieving the Dream Leader College: click here


