Join us at the Biltmore May 1 to honor LA Labor and our partners below!


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We are pleased with and proud of our long relationship with LA Labor, and grateful for their help in passing Measures R in 2008 (to build out LA’s transit system) and M in 2016 (to build even more transit with no sunset for either ballot measure), as well as Measure H in 2017 (to help prevent and address homelessness) and Measure ULA in 2022 (to raise $900 million annually for strategies to prevent/reduce homelessness and build affordable housing)!

If you add up these successes you will see why we need to celebrate: The result has been a win of nearly $4 billion/year to help everybody get around LA County via transit and to help people in the City of LA find affordable homes. This is why we are asking you to join us on May 1 to celebrate and to find out what else we intend to get done with the help of these important partners.

But instead of talking about what we've done in the past—though we will do that briefly—we'll talk about what needs to be done now and how we can do it. Join us and find out what we are brewing, because while these measures were initiated by Move LA, they were generously championed by Labor, and approved by LA voters!  

We think we are onto something big with these partners (and there are more):

  • Holly Mitchell is an LA County Supervisor who was a State Senator from 2013 to 2020 and now serves on the boards of LA Metro, the South Coast AQMD, and the LA County Affordable Housing Solutions Agency (LACAHSA).
  • Andrew Meredith is President of the California State Building and Construction Trades Council and was previously Executive Director of North State Builds, a coalition of California's three northern-most Building and Construction Trades Councils.
  • Ara Najarian is Chair of the LA Metro Board, a board member of the regional Metrolink system, and a four-time Mayor of Glendale who is now a Glendale City Councilmember.
  • Chris Hannan is Executive Secretary of the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council who led the trades’ involvement in Measure ULA to fund affordable housing and leads the trades’ effort to develop a green hydrogen hub in SoCal.
  • Yvonne Wheeler was elected by a unanimous vote to become the new President of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor (AFL-CIO) last November. She is the first Black woman to hold that title, making her one of the most influential people in LA politics. 
  • Rusty Hicks is Chair of the California Democratic Party and previously served as both President and Political Director of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor.
  • Sergio Rascon has been the Business Manager and President of Laborers Local 300 since 1995, and was Move LA's first board member from the ranks of senior labor leadership.
  • Norman Rogers is the Second Vice President of United Steelworkers Local 675 and represents workers in the oil, chemical, paper and electric bus manufacturing industries.
  • Antonio Sanchez is the Political Director of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 11, and an advocate for environmental equity and economic opportunity.
  • Kurt Petersen is Co-President of Unite HERE Local 11, representing more than 32,000 workers employed in hotels, restaurants, airports, etc., throughout SoCal and Arizona, and co-convened the labor-community dialogue with Move LA that launched Measure ULA.

Join us, these leaders, and other important partners on Monday, May 1 because we do believe the force is with us and are eager to find out what's next in LA. We'll be meeting at the historic Biltmore Hotel Los Angeles from 11 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. at 500 South Grand Avenue. REGISTER HERE!
