Dying on the Streets of Los Angeles: 2022 Traffic Fatalities, Why & What Needs to Change


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Streets Are For Everyone's Executive Director, Damian Kevitt, has written an excellent piece on how the last several years have proven the streets of Los Angeles are both fast and deadly, with the 2022 fatality rate breaking the 300 mark with 309 deaths over 20 years—a staggering 28% increase over 2020 and an increase of 5% over 2021.

Do you think it's time to do something to stop the carnage? The tragedy is made worse by the fact that "vulnerable road users—pedestrians (primarily youth 29 and younger and seniors 50 and older)—are impacted the most by traffic violence," Damian writes. Pedestrian fatalities were up 19% (157 lives lost, the highest in 20 years),  bicycle fatalities increased by 24% (21 lives lost, up 40% since 2020), and while motor vehicle fatalities were also at higher levels ironically they dropped 10% in 2022.
