Super Admin
19 years ago
The maxim is that when looking for a new home or business the three most important considerations are: location, location, location. As traffic makes it increasingly difficult to drive in downtowns, as downtowns become increasingly popular with both...
Super Admin
20 years ago
This study by the Center for Transit-Oriented Development shows that demographics and other trends will cause the potential demand for compact housing near transit to more than double by 2025. This means that more than 14.6 million households will be...
Super Admin
20 years ago
This paper assesses the progress of transit-oriented development in four metropolitan regions – Atlanta, the Bay Area, Chicago and Denver. The shared "lessons learned" include the following: early planning is essential; upfront work on zoning, parkin...
Super Admin
21 years ago
The New Transit Town brings together experts in planning, transportation, and sustainable design to examine the first generation of TOD projects and derive lessons for the next generation. Topics include a typology of projects appropriate for diff...
Super Admin
21 years ago
In 2002, we examined trends in air service in the United States in the 12 months following the September 11 attacks. We found a steep and continuing drop in air travel, and an overall reduction in the number of flights supplied. Using the industry st...
Super Admin
22 years ago
Many projects that are labeled “transit-oriented” are merely “transit-related” and don’t realize their potential to also be environmentally sustainable and socially just. This paper offers an expanded definition of TOD that focuses primarily on funct...
Super Admin
23 years ago
This is the first in a series of reports from the Reconnecting America project examining the current crisis in intercity travel in the United States and recommending a more economically stable and integrated system of travel for the country. This fir...
Super Admin
24 years ago
With our new century just starting, this is a good time for communities across the country to reflect on where we are and where we want to be. How do we make our cities places that improve the quality of life? How do we make them places where people...
Super Admin
24 years ago
Urban renewal and city center development for communities of all sizes have become urgent priorities throughout the country, as the disadvantages of suburban sprawl become more and more apparent. ... Revitalized stations and multimodal transportat...
Super Admin
27 years ago
A practical manual on how to preserve railroad stations and transform them into centers of multimodal transportation, commerce, and economic development.