miscellaneous / miscellaneous - 17 years ago
Entrepreneur and blogger Ben Casnocha
A conversation about optimism, eternal studenthood and funny conservatives with entrepreneur and author Ben Casnocha. His most recent book is My Start-Up Life.
miscellaneous / miscellaneous - 17 years ago
A conversation about optimism, eternal studenthood and funny conservatives with entrepreneur and author Ben Casnocha. His most recent book is My Start-Up Life.
miscellaneous / miscellaneous - 17 years ago
A conversation about hybridizing genres, using future technology and reading Dwell magazine with Josh Conviser, author of Echelon and Empyre.
miscellaneous / miscellaneous - 17 years ago
A conversation about book criticism, the Los Angeles Literary scene and Michiko Kakutani with Mark Sarvas, author of popular weblog The Elegant Variation. Harry, Revised, his first novel, hits shelves in May 2008.
miscellaneous / miscellaneous - 17 years ago
These case studies, funded through the support of the Surdna Foundation, present transit-oriented development (TOD) examples from diverse, low-income neighborhoods around transit, all built within the last 10 years. The goal of this survey is to provide examples that can help spur development around...
miscellaneous / miscellaneous - 17 years ago
This new national study funded by the Federal Transit Administration and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development shows that location matters a great deal when it comes to reducing household costs. While families who live in auto-dependent neighborhoods spend an average of 25 percent of...
miscellaneous / miscellaneous - 17 years ago
Denver is building 119 miles of rail and 70 new stations in six years, and the Center for Transit-Oriented Development has helped develop a “TOD Typology” for the city and the county that categorizes stations according to seven ”types“ (downtown, urban neighborhood, commuter town center, etc.) and s...
miscellaneous / miscellaneous - 17 years ago
This study seeks to inform City of Hercules Council and Staff about connecting the City’s waterfront to a new developing town center. This study gives technical information on the possibility of using aerial ropeways (which includes aerial trams and gondolas) and discusses alternatives such as b...
miscellaneous / miscellaneous - 17 years ago
Reconnecting America has undertaken a three-year effort to educate regional decision-makers and communities about TOD. Educational information about the Hiawatha, Central, and North Star corridors is being developed to help provide a better understanding of how transit investments can be leveraged t...
miscellaneous / miscellaneous - 18 years ago
Mixed-income TOD has the potential to meaningfully address the growing affordability crisis in the Denver region. This report, which was commissioned by the Enterprise Community Partners of Denver, concludes that there is a growing demand for housing near transit, and a closing window of opportunity...
miscellaneous / miscellaneous - 18 years ago
This colorful 24-page “picture book” lays out in easy-to-read format how shifting demographics and the changing real estate market have opened up an unprecedented window of opportunity for transit-oriented development. The book explains what TOD is, how it benefits communities, and how it can be a...
miscellaneous / miscellaneous - 18 years ago
This report for the Ford Foundation is about the demand for housing near transit from low-income and very-low-income households, and the racial and economic diversity of households living within a half mile of transit. It describes the benefits of diversity and TOD to maintaining the health of neigh...
miscellaneous / miscellaneous - 18 years ago
This paper describes and evaluates tools and strategies that are being used to create mixed-income and affordable housing near transit in regions around the U.S. The first half of the paper explains how these various strategies are being used and the limitations and successes of each, and the second...
miscellaneous / miscellaneous - 19 years ago
This is a tale of three cities—Jersey City and neighboring Hoboken in New Jersey, and Evanston, Illinois – that have experienced an enormous amount of development since the late 1980s, reversing three decades of decline brought on by the great suburban exodus of the 1950s. The result is that in 2006...
miscellaneous / miscellaneous - 19 years ago
Low- and moderate-income families are finding that if they move farther from work in order to find affordable housing they end up spending at least as much as they save – or more – on the increased cost of transportation. This report details the “heavy load” of combined transportation and housing co...
miscellaneous / miscellaneous - 19 years ago
The housing and transportation Affordability Index quantifies the impact of transportation costs on the affordability of housing choices and the savings derived from living in “location efficient” communities that are near transit, shopping, schools and work. The index was built using data sets that...