All California students could have the benefits of Metro's Fareless System Initiative!


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Why is Asm. Holden's AB 1919 to make transit free for all students in California so important? Because look at what Metro has done with their Fareless System Initiative:
  • Student ridership has nearly doubled in the last 10 months;
  • The number of K-12 participants increased 190% over 2019 from 64,000 students to 122,000;
  • More than 5.5 million student trips have been taken since the program began
  • There are nearly 140,000 K-12 students registered and 138,000 community college participants
  • 51 school districts joined the program in Year 1
  • 20+ more school districts are joining now
  • 14 community colleges participated in Year 1
  • 2 more community colleges are joining now
  • 92% of the trips are taken to school
  • community college graduation rates are up to 27% higher for students who have free transit passes
  • 13 transit agencies have joined the program including Metro and more are likely to join this year!

Please tell Senate Appropriations to vote in favor of AB 1919 and make this real for all schools, colleges and universities in California! We make it easy for you HERE.
