AB 1919 is next heard in Senate Appropriations Aug. 11!


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There was a big turnout of students, transit agencies and others who heartily supported Asm. Holden's AB 1919 today when they called in to Senate Appropriations! The bill was put on Suspense, as happens to all bills requiring funding over $50,000—it's estimated the bill would require $126,000 annually—and the decision will be made on Aug. 11 when the committee considers the almost 300 bills put on Suspense.

The committee won't take public comment during this second hearing, but if you call in you can listen. Mark that day on your calendar (and we'll help you remember)! 

We will be talking with Assembly and Senate leadership during the next 10 days and encourage you, too, to call the seven senators on the Senate Appropriations Committee. All the info on how to do that is here: https://www.movela.org/take_action2

Again, having a turnout like we did this morning, when so many people called in to urge support for the bill, is key to helping the senators understand the importance of moving this bill forward—for students, to help abate car traffic, to boost transit ridership post-COVID, to help reduce climate change and clean the air, to make it easier for students to excel in school, and to level the playing field between the haves (students with easy access to a car) and the have-nots (those who don't).

Please help us help students and transit agencies succeed. This is a great beginning with a goal of helping transit help all of us save the planet!!! We'll keep you posted!
